Make a Payment

Scott and Company LLC has partnered with QuickFee, a third-party payments company, to offer our clients three secure methods to pay.

For the Client ID: If unknown, please enter your name or company name.

For the Invoice ID: If unknown, please enter today’s date.

Payment Plan

QuickFee offers an easy, no-hassle way for you to pay over any period from 3 to 12 months to cover the cost of your invoice.*

[themify_button style=\”pay-now-button\” text=\”#ffffff\” color=\”#ed8b00\” target=\”_blank\” size=\”large\” link=\”\”]Pay Now[/themify_button]


Electronic Funds Transfer (bank transfer) without fees.

[themify_button style=\”pay-now-button\” text=\”#ffffff\” color=\”#ed8b00\” target=\”_blank\” size=\”large\” link=\”\”]Pay Now[/themify_button]

Credit Card

A 3.5% processing fee will be applied.

[themify_button style=\”pay-now-button\” text=\”#ffffff\” color=\”#ed8b00\” target=\”_blank\” size=\”large\” link=\”\”]Pay Now[/themify_button]

How the QuickFee Payment Plan Helps:

  • Obtain the additional services you need to grow your business.
  • Keep working capital in your business for other purposes.
  • Smooth your cash flow.
  • Access an additional line of credit without formal application or engaging the bank.
  • No additional security is required.
  • If you would like to pay off your loan with QuickFee early, any remaining interest is rebated.

Please note that interest will apply. No early payoff or termination fees apply!

*$2,000 minimum